The Secret of Accrued
Audiobook Assets (Video 3)
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Running time: 46 minutes
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(and be sure to join the Alert List to be notified when the next video is released!)
(CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO 1) How a Retired Air Traffic Controller Launched a Thriving New Career as an Audiobook Narrator
Don’t believe “The 7 Myths You’ve Heard About Narrating Audiobooks!”
(CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO 2) The Art of Picking the Right Audiobook Projects
Plus: Mistakes most ACX narrators make with their profiles
(YOU’RE WATCHING: VIDEO 3) The Secret of Accrued Audiobook Assets
Plus: Case study of one narrator who went from “newbie” to ”star” with his first audiobook
Feel free to ask your questions here…Dan and I are ready to answer them and help you begin your journey as an audiobook narrator on ACX, for Audible and for any other production platform or publisher you want to work with.
And remember, if you miss one of the videos, you can click on the little image of that video below the main video on this page, and it will take you to that video that you missed.
So…Just post your questions below.
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Janice – This video? Yes.
The class? No.
Nice job David
In the VO world, mentors tell us bookings for white actors 35-65 are very reduced. I see on the p2p jobs also that black actors are specified. I had personal experience with this with an acting job with (“national name show”) in 2020. As an opera singer, I must consciously reduce my diction to fit in with the “conversational” style. I sound white, Middle aged, neutral American with a hint of European, “beautiful voice.” I would like to be realistic if that ship has sailed.
While it may be true that more titles are available to minority voices than in the past, the overwhelming majority of them do not specify an ethnicity.
The most common specification for a regional accent is “General American” — which is pretty nonspecific but is ACX’s default selection that rights holders who are looking for narrators see….which means it’s “selected” by rights holders who know they want an American English narration but don’t have specific regional accent in mind.
In our third video (at the top of this page), Linda Roper’s voice comes close to the description you gave — sans the “hint of European.”